Sean Cho A.

It doesn’t matter now 

the magic of the bird-seed. 

How you kept the squirrels from thieving

while the maple leaves crisped. The secret 

you kept while the snow 

pears coated in ice like jewels. And now 

like always: spring again. A sapling with feathers 

instead of branches announces itself outside 

our bedroom window as its feathers luviate 

to the ground. But then night. And strong wind 

or a large creature who snapped its wings 

and dragged them away for warmth or a home. 

We’ll come back to feathers on the ground 

and think the birds flew away


Sean Cho A. is the author of “American Home" (Autumn House 2021) winner of the Autumn House Press chapbook contest. His work can be future/found in Copper Nickel, Pleiades, The Penn Review, The Massachusetts Review, Nashville Review, among others. He is currently an MFA candidate at the University of California Irvine and the Associate Editor of The Account. Find him @phlat_soda